Warhammer 40K

Warthog Games | 2003


Working with a really talented small dev team on a pitch for the ‘Warhammer 40K’ IP owned by Games Workshop. We had a short amount of time to piece together a vertical-slice playable demo along with a bunch of art and animation in a bid to try and secure the IP for exclusive development of number of game titles.

Rog Bacon and Andy Whalley produced the character models which I then animated for various tests and show-piece renders.

Unfortunately the work never went beyond the pitch, as is often the case..

Below are some sample key-framed animations that I produced as part of the pitch. All animation for this pitch was created using Maya.

The Howling Banshee..

The dual sword wielding Howling Banshee. She’s fast and agile..

The focus here was to create a sequence of light, nimble, balletic motion with strong, dynamic, almost still poses  punctuating the action which would act as an anticipatory mechanism for the player prior to an attack action; A case where the mechanics actually lent themselves to the art style.


The Obliterator and Dreadnought..

The Obliterator and the heavy gun platform Dreadnought. the big hitters.

These were the heavy guys and so required some real weight to their motion.

I love Rogers take on the bio-mech styled Obliterator with the arm weaponry fused into the flesh which is still oozing blood; could almost be straight out of Doom 😀


The Hive Tyrant

The Hormagaunt

The Ravenor